免烤巧克力蛋糕No Bake Chocolate Cake

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225克巧克力(剁碎)、鲜奶油225克、多香果粉½ 茶匙(随意)、浓缩咖啡2茶匙(搅碎)、盐¼茶匙、巧克力粉适量(随意)


4. 缓缓加入巧克力,搅拌至细滑。
5. 再将混合料倒入涂油烤盘内,用保鲜膜包好,收入冰箱冷冻数小时或隔夜。


225g chocolate (chopped), 225g heavy cream , ½ tsp allspice (optional) , 2 tsp finely ground espresso (optional) , ¼ tsp salt , cocoa powder (optional)

rose petals, cacao nibs

【Make the Cake】
1.Prepare your Pan-Lightly butter a 6-inc.
2.Barely melt the chocolate in a double boiler over gentle heat.
3.In a separate medium pan heat the cream over gentle heat. Stir in the allspice and the espresso, remove from heat and stir in the salt.
4.Pour the chocolate into the cream, and very slowly and stir until everything comes together smoothly.
5.Pour the mixture into the prepared pan, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until chilled throughout, a few hours, or overnight.

Serve the Cake :
When ready to serve, remove from the pan, let set at room temperature for ten minutes or so, dust with a bit of cocoa powder, sprinkle with any other toppings you like, and slice. Alternately, you can slice and serve from the pan.