双重巧克力撻 Double Chocolate Tarts

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栗米粉2汤匙、细糖50克、盐少许、可可粉50克、牛奶2杯、黑巧克力125克(剁碎溶解) 、牛油1汤匙
1. 用电动搅拌器把牛油、糖及盐搅拌至松发后才加入鸡蛋,再搅拌至均匀。
2. 慢慢加入干料,搅拌成面团。
3. 把面团压在挞模里,挤压均匀,去掉额外的面团。
4. 启开微波炉电源,按CONVECTION钮,把温度预热至170℃,然后按启动(START) ,声响即是代表已经到达预设温度。
5. 把挞皮连模放入烤炉里烤20分钟。
6. 让挞皮冷却后才填入馅料。
7. 用微波炉,以高火把黑巧克力溶解1分钟,然后从炉取出巧克力搅拌均匀。
8. 另外以同样方式把白巧克力溶解。
9. 用手持搅拌器,把栗米粉、糖、可可粉及盐搅拌均匀,然后慢慢加入牛奶。
10. 启开电磁炉,把可可材料煮滚,搅拌约3分钟至稠。
11. 熄火,加入溶解的巧克力和牛油,搅拌均匀。让它冷却5分钟后才把材料当然挞模内。然后面上以白巧克力装饰。
12. 待凉后收入冰箱至少1小时才享用。

Tart casing
250 g butter
1 tsp salt
3 Tbsps icing sugar
1 “Grade A” egg
360 g plain flour
30 g cocoa powder, sited

Tart filling
2 Tbsps cornflour
50g castor sugar
pinch of salt
50g cocoa powder
2 cups milk
125 g fine-quality semisweet chocolate, finely chopped – melted
1 Tbsp butter

50 g white chocolate, for decoration

tart moulds
piping bag
additional cocoa powder for garnish
To prepare tart casing:
1. Using an electric beater, beat butter, sugar, salt until creamy adding in egg and beat till combined.
2. Fold in sifted dry ingredients until dough binds together.
3. Press dough into tart moulds scraping off any excess dough.
4. Select CONVECTION button on  microwave, press 170*C and press start. The oven will pre-heat at this stage. Once the oven comes to the chosen heat, it will beep.
5. Place tart casings into pre-heated oven and bake for 20 minutes.
6. Leave tart casing to cool, while preparing the filling.
To prepare filling:
7. Using  microwave, melt dark chocolate for 1 minute. Remove from microwave and stir.
8. In another bowl, microwave white chocolate for 1 minute. Remove and set aside, stirring.
9. Using a wire whisk, whisk together cornflour, sugar, cocoa, and a pinch of salt in a  saucepan, then gradually whisk in milk.
10. Turn POWER on  induction cooker, Bring to a boil cocoa mixture, whisking constantly until thickened, about 3 minutes.
11. Remove from heat and whisk in melted chocolate and butter until melted. Leave to cool for 5 minutes before pouring into chocolate tart casing. Decorate with white chocolate.
12. Leave to cool and chill filled tarts for 1 hour before serving.