泰式红咖喱猪肉 Thai Red Curry Pork

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1. 起锅热油,把泰式红咖哩酱放入炒5分钟,然后倒入椰浆头,炒至出油。(图1-2)
2. 加入猪肉,大火炒至猪肉变色,注入次椰浆,焖煮至肉软。(图3-4)
3. 加入茄子、番茄及辣椒,焖煮至软后加入调味料,试味。最后拌入九层塔叶,熄火。(图5-7)
4. 以薄荷叶装饰即可上桌。(图8)


6 tbsp oil, 4 tbsp homemade Thai red curry paste, 500g pork
(sliced thickly), 1 cup thick coconut milk, 3 cups thin coconut milk
6 – 8 Thai baby green eggplant (sliced into halves lengthwise,
soaked in salt water till ready to use), 6 – 8 red cherry
tomatoes, 1 red chili (sliced diagonally), 2 cups fresh basil leaves
1 tbsp fish sauce, 1 tbsp palm sugar, dash of white pepper
Mint leaves
1. Heat oil over medium heat. Add Thai red curry pasteand fry for 5 minutes. Add thick coconut milk and cook
till oil separates.(pic 1-2)
2. Add pork and cook on high heat till pork just changes colour. Pour in thi ut milk and simmer till pork is tender.(pic 3-4)
3. Add eggplant, tomatoes and chilies, simmer till all vegetables are just tender. Add seasonings and adjust
to taste. Stir in basil before remove from heat. (pic (pic 5-7)
4. Garnish and serve hot with white rice. (pic 8)