水果挞 Fruit Tart

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Tart casing Ingredients


Custard Filling


Fresh fruits


    Step 1

    用电动搅拌器,把糖和鸡蛋搅拌至溶解,然后加入牛油,搅拌至刚刚 混合即可,然后再慢慢倒入面粉和牛奶,搓成面团,收入冰箱约30分 钟。 Using an electric beater, beat sugar & egg together until sugar melts. Beat in butter until just mixed. Slowly fold in flour & milk powder until the dough binds together. Chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    Step 2

    在桌面撒少许面粉,然后把面团杆成半公分厚。 Lightly dust the surface with extra flour. Roll out the pastry to about 0.5cm thick.

    Step 3

    把挞皮压入挞模具中,周边捏紧。用刀刮掉模具外额外的面皮,然后 放入预热至180℃的烤炉里烤约20-25分钟至变浅金黄色。把挞皮从模具中脱出,让它冷却。 Flip over the tart mold and press in the dough in the sides. Using a knife, cut off excess dough & bake tart molds in pre-heated oven @ 180℃ for 20-25 minutes or until lightly browned。 Remove tart casings from the mould and leave to cool.

    Step 4

    把蛋黄粉, 鲜奶及奶粉混合,然后加入清水,白糖及牛油,以中火煮 5-8分钟,不断搅拌至稠。熄火,面上直接覆盖保鲜膜,让它冷却15分 钟。 Whisk together the custard powder, milk powder & milk in a saucepan until well combined. Add the sugar, water & butter. Cook over medium heat, stirring, for 5-8 minutes or until custard thickens and coats the back of a spoon. Remove from heat and cover the surface with plastic wrap. Let cool for 15 minutes.

    Step 5

    把温的奶皇馅料倒在挞模里,然后铺上水果。 Pour the warm custard into the tart casing, top with fresh fruits.

    Step 6

    用少许水稀释杏桃果酱,然后用它涂刷水果表面。收入冰箱,让奶皇馅料凝结,吃时切块。 Dilute some apricot jam with hot water. Brush the top of the fruits with either apricot jam/apricot gel.(pic8) Chill in the fridge to set the custard before serving. Slice into wedges.
