药材蒸鸡糯米饭 Herbal Chicken & Glutinous Rice

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Seasoning ingredients


Tong Kwai Chicken


    Step 1

    起锅热油,以中火把葱头片爆至金黄色,盛出以纸巾吸 油。留3-4汤匙葱头油在锅里,爆香蒜茸,然后加入虾米和干 贝,炒至香。 Heat the oil in a wok and fry the shallot until crispy and golden brown. Dish out shallot crisps to drain on paper towels. Remove all but 3-4 tbsp of the shallot oil in the wok. Sauté chopped garlic until almost crispy, adding the dried prawns and dried scallops until aromatic.

    Step 2

    加入沥干的糯米和调味料,炒1-2分钟,然后把材料移到 电饭煲里,倒入清水。 Add in the drained glutinous rice, seasoning ingredients. Fry for 1-2 minutes, stirring continuously. Transfer glutinous rice to the Rice Cooker. Pour in water

    Step 3

    用盐腌鸡腿,把当归塞在鸡皮下,然后放在耐热碟子里。把 清水和酒淋在鸡腿上,撒上枸杞,然后把碟子放入电饭煲蒸盘中。 Rub the chicken whole legs with salt and place the tong kwai under the skin of the chicken. Make sure the part of the bones are thoroughly slit to make for easier cooking. Pour water and wine over the chicken onto a heatproof plate. Sprinkle with kei chi and place onto the inner steam tray of the Rice Cooker.

    Step 4

    把当归鸡和蒸盘放在电饭煲上,盖紧。启动电源,按“煮饭”键,把饭和鸡肉煮至熟。配油葱吃。 Place the inner steam tray over with the tong kwai chicken and close the lid. Press start button for cooking rice and chicken until the grains are thoroughly cooked. Serve rice topped with shallot crisps.

    Step 5
