红烧扣肉荷叶包 Stewed Pork Sliced With Mini Buns

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Bun Dough Ingredients

Filling Ingredients


    Step 1

    把包粉、糖、酵母、发粉、牛油及盐放入 搅拌器中混合。 Combine flour, sugar, yeast, baking powder, butter and salt in a mixing bowl;

    Step 2

    然后倒入淡奶和温水,搅拌至面团光滑。 pour in evaporated milk and warm water. Mix and knead by hand or in a food processor until dough is smooth.

    Step 3

    把面团覆盖,让它醒25-30分钟,涨发至双倍大。 Cover dough and allow to rise for 25 – 30 minutes until doubled in bulk

    Step 4

    把面团切成等份,搓圆后压平,中间划十字,然后涂上少许菜籽油再对折,放 在防油纸上。让荷叶包醒20-30分钟或至涨发。蒸8-10分钟即可取出。 Cut dough into equal portions. Roll into a round ball then press out into a flat oval piece. Cut criss-cross lines on the bun dough. Brush lightly with canola oil and fold into halve. Place on a piece of grease proof paper. Leave aside to rest and proof for 20 - 30 minutes or until well risen. Steam the buns for 8 - 10 minutes over high heat.

    Step 5

    把金佣牌红烧扣肉罐头滴干油,然后以不黏锅煎至干身即可,夹入荷叶包内,配上葱段和黄瓜享用。 Drain GOLDEN MAID Brand Stewed Pork Sliced well. Saute the pork sliced in a nonstick wok until almost dry. Dish out. Sandwich the pork sliced into the buns with cucumber and spring onion.
