香橙可可葡萄干排包Orange cocoa raisin bun

  • Prep Time
    15 Mins
  • Cook Time
    2 Hour 30 Mins
  • Type
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    贴士: 1.由于不同品牌的面粉,吸水量有所不同,所以请预留20克牛奶,根据实际情况做加减。 2.面包表皮烤上色后,可用锡箔纸盖着,避免烤得过焦。 3.不同品质的模具受热程度不一样,需要自己判断拿捏适当的温度。

    Step 1

    将全脂牛奶、全蛋液和鲜橙皮茸先倒入钢盆里,才加入高筋面粉、可可粉、蔗糖、海盐及即溶酵母,即可开始搅打面团。Mix full cream milk, egg sauce, orange zest, high protein flour, cocoa powder, cane sugar, seasalt and instant yeast in a mixing bowl, beat well to become dough.

    Step 2

    待面团搅打到可以拉出较厚的薄膜时,加入无盐牛油,继续搅打成光滑的面团。Kneading dough until it allows gluten to form, add in unsalted butter, continue beat to become smooth dough.

    Step 3

    取一小块面团检测,可拉出大片不易破的薄膜,加入葡萄干慢速搅拌混合均匀,即完成。Take some dough to check the elastic bread dough. Add in raisin and beat with low speed till mix well.

    Step 4

    将面团滚圆放进盒子盖好,进行第一次发酵至2倍大,需要1个小时左右。Rolling the dough into ball shape, keep into container and cover it to have a first rise untill the dough doubled in size.

    Step 5

    取出面团放在工作台上用手轻按压排气,分割成12份,滚圆休面10分钟之后,再一次滚圆。Spread some flour on the table, dust the dough with flour, press it gently to release the air. Divide the dough into 12 portions, roll up and rise for another 10 minutes.

    Step 6

    收口朝下放进烤模里,进行最后发酵至双倍大,以摄氏180℃上下火烘烤20分钟。Arrange the dough into toast mould, have the 2nd rinse till double in size, bake into preheated oven @180℃ with top or bottom heat for 20 minutes.

    Step 7

    出炉后在桌子上轻敲一下烤模散热,取出排包放在网架上,待凉即可享用。Cool baked bread, then overturn pan and turn bread out onto a cooling rack to finish cooling. Serve.
