培根鸡蛋玛芬Bacon and egg muffin cups

  • Prep Time
    25 Mins
  • Cook Time
    10 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    将烤箱预热至180摄氏度。用奶酪擦将奶酪擦碎。Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F. Roughly grate cheese using a box grater.

    Step 2

    借助小圆碗将每片面包扣成圆形。Using a small, circular bowl, cut rounds from each slice of bread.

    Step 3

    向煎锅中放入黄油,用中温将圆形面包片每面煎1–2分钟,至表面呈金棕色。In a frying pan, sauté bread rounds in butter over medium heat for approx. 1 - 2 min. per side until golden brown.

    Step 4

    另取煎锅,不放油,用中低温将培根煎至表面呈轻微的棕黄色,并微微卷曲。培根不宜过于酥脆,以便能更好地放入玛芬烤模中。In a separate frying pan, sauté bacon over medium-low heat without any oil until slightly brown and lightly curled. The bacon should not be too crispy, as it needs to be flexible to fit into the muffin tin.

    Step 5

    向每个玛芬杯中放入两片培根,然后将面包放在培根上,轻轻按压,使其固定在玛芬杯中。Place two strips of bacon in each muffin cup. Then, place bread on top of bacon and press gently so that it fits securely in the muffin cup.

    Step 6

    将擦碎的车达奶酪均匀地撒入每个玛芬杯中。Evenly divide grated cheddar cheese among muffin cups.

    Step 7

    向每个玛芬杯中打入一个鸡蛋,放入预热至180摄氏度的烤箱中烤制8-10分钟后即可享用!Next, crack one egg into each muffin cup. Bake in oven at 180°C/350°F for approx. 8-10 min. Enjoy!
