水果比萨 Fruit Pizza

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1. 将10-12寸比萨烤盘涂油。
2. 用电动拌打器把牛油、糖及盐拌打至细滑。
3. 加入蛋和香精,搅拌均匀。(图1)
4. 筛入面粉和发粉,搅拌至混合即可。(图2)
5. 把面团收入冰箱冷藏30分钟。
6. 双手沾面粉后把面团搓成大圆圈,面积等同烤盘即可。用叉子在面皮上插小洞。(图3-4)
7. 放入预热至180°C的烤炉烤25分钟或边缘转黄。然后让它完全冷却。(图5)
1. 把糖霜材料一起搅拌至完全混合。
2. 把糖霜抹在比萨皮上,排入水果片,即可享用。也可收入冰箱冷藏后才吃。(图6-8)

140 g salted butter(softened), 80g castor sugar, ¼ teaspoon salt, 1 “Grade A” egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, 220g all-purpose flour, ½ tsp baking powder
【Frosting Ingredients】
250 g cream cheese(softened), 60g icing sugar, Pinch of salt, Fresh fruit (cut into slices- any fruit of your choice)
1. Grease a 10-12 inch pizza pan.
2. Using an electric beater fitted with a paddle attachment, beat butter, sugar, salt together until smooth.
3. Add in the egg, then the vanilla and mix to combine.(pic 1)
4. Sift dry ingredients in and mix until everything is combined. Turn off beater.(pic 2)
5. Chill the dough for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
6. Lightly flour hands and shape the dough into a circle large enough to fit pan. Pinch the crust with folk. (pic 3-4)
7. Preheat oven to 180°C. Bake the dough for 25 minutes, or until the edges start to lightly brown. Allow the crust to cool completely. (pic 5)
1. Use mixer to beat the frosting ingredients until well combined.
2. Spread over the cool crust, then arrange fruit on top of the pizza. You can eat the pizza immediately or chill the pizza for the best.
(pic 6-8)