泰式鱼饼Thai Fish Cakes (Tod Man Pla)

  • Prep Time
    15 Mins
  • Cook Time
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    Step 1

    鲛鱼先洗淨抹乾,再去皮起肉。Wash and wipe dry the mackerel. Then bone and skin the fish.

    Step 2

    用刀把鱼肉剁至起胶及有黏性。Chop the fish finely until it becomes a firm sticky paste.

    Step 3

    把芫荽根及蒜粒放入磨盅内捣烂成酱。(磨盅是煮泰菜必备之工具!)Pound the coriander roots and garlic in a mortar until well blended into a smooth paste. (Mortar is a must-have tool in Thai cooking!).

    Step 4

    把鱼肉放进碗,与已椿好的芫荽根和蒜、柠檬叶及所有调味料拌匀。Put the fish in a bowl. Mix well with the coriander root and garlic paste, shredded Kaffir lime leaves and all other seasonings.

    Step 5

    然后加入豆角粒及鸡蛋,用手搓匀。鱼肉要用手搓才更易起胶及产生黏性。Add the Chinese long beans and egg. Knead with hands to make the fish meat more sticky and springy.

    Step 6

    把搅拌完成的鱼肉用保鲜纸包起,放入雪柜冷藏一会,在煮之前才取出。这样可令质感更爽滑弹牙。Wrap the fish with cling wrap and chill in the fridge for a while. Take out the fish right before cooking so as to ensure a smoother and chewier texture.

    Step 7

    在炸之前,先把鱼肉搓成鱼饼状。做法很简单,就是先把少量鱼肉放在掌心,以双手搓圆,再压扁至饼型。可做10-12件鱼饼。Put some fish meat on your palm, round the fish with both hands, then press the mixture firmly into 10-12 patties before cooking.

    Step 8

    把鱼饼放进Airfryer,在表面喷少许油,然后用200℃焗7分钟。如使用油炸,则是以180℃油温炸3分钟;炸时应先开大火炸10秒,然后转小火,再在最后10秒转回大火。当然,你也可以选择把鱼饼煎熟。Put the fish cakes into the Airfryer, spray some oil on top and air fry for 7 minutes at 200 ℃. Or deep fry for 3 minutes in oil at 180℃. When deep frying, turn to high heat for 10 seconds at the beginning, then switch to a low heat to continue cooking, finally switch back to high heat for the last 10 seconds. Pan frying will also do.

    Step 9

    把炸好的鱼饼配上泰式甜酸酱上碟,即成!Serve with Thai sweet chilli dipping sauce.
