红烧肉焗饭Braised Pork Baked Rice

  • Prep Time
    15 mins
  • Cook Time
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    Step 1

    将五花肉洗净沥干备用。姜切片拍烂,蒜头洗净备用。Wash and drain the pork belly for later use. Slices and smashed the ginger, washed garlic and set aside.

    Step 2

    五花肉搽盐,用黑酱油和生抽以及料酒腌制30分钟备用。Rub the pork belly with salt, marinate it with dark soy sauce, light soy sauce and cooking wine for 30 minutes.

    Step 3

    取土沙锅或不锈钢锅加入淹盖过五花肉3倍的水量,倒入五香料包,姜、葱、蒜,开大火煮滚后,调小火熬煮30分钟。Take a claypot or stainless steel pot, pour in 3 times the amount of water to cover pork belly, add in the Adabi rib soup spices, ginger, onion, garlic, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer for 30 minutes on low heat.

    Step 4

    锅内加入五花肉,以大火煮滚后转小火盖上锅盖焖煮20分钟或以上至个人喜欢的软度即可。Add the pork belly to the pot, bring to a boil over high heat then turn to low heat, cover the lid and simmer for 20 minutes or more until the softness you like.

    Step 5

    青苹果切小块备用,可以加入一些胡萝卜片。Cut the green apple into small pieces for later use, or can add some carrot slices if like.

    Step 6

    取出卤制好的五花肉,切大块备用。Take out the marinated pork belly and cut into large pieces for later use.

    Step 7

    热上油锅,爆香姜葱蒜,把五花肉回锅,加入青苹果炒金黄色,调好味道熄火备用。Heat the oil in a wok, sauté the ginger, onion and garlic until fragrant, return the pork belly to the wok, add the green apple and fry until golden brown, adjust the taste and turn off the heat.

    Step 8

    把炒好的红烧肉倒入煮好米饭的电饭锅里搅拌均匀,盖上锅盖焗10分钟即可享用。Pour the fried braised pork into the rice cooker where the rice is cooked, stir well, cover the pot and bake for 10 minutes before serving.
