樱花沙拉虾饭团Sakura & Prawns Onigiri

  • Prep Time
    15 mins
  • Cook Time
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Ingredients A


Ingredients B







    Step 1

    用纯净水将盐渍樱花洗净盐分,接着挤干水分,先取出6朵备用,其他切碎,备用。Rinse the salted sakura in purified water to remove the salt. Then squeeze out the water and reserve 6 sakura for later use. Chop the rest of the sakura into small pieces and set aside.

    Step 2

    将材料A中的米醋、黄糖和海盐混合均匀,倒入还有热气的熟米饭内拌匀,备用。Mix the rice vinegar, brown sugar, and sea salt in a bowl. Pour the mixture into the cooked rice and mix well. Set aside.

    Step 3

    处理好的鲜虾粒,下腌料抓匀,静置10分钟。Marinate the diced shrimp in the marinade for 10 minutes.

    Step 4

    冷油下锅,下作法4的鲜虾丁,炒至完全熟透,即可上锅,备用。Heat oil in a pan and add the marinated shrimp. Cook until completely cooked through. Remove from heat and set aside.

    Step 5

    取一碗,将材料B中剩余的水煮蛋压碎,下沙拉酱,和作法4的炒虾丁,混合均匀,备用。In a bowl, mash the boiled egg and add the remaining ingredients from Ingredients B. Mix well and set aside.

    Step 6

    在⅔份量的醋饭内下1汤匙樱花粉和盐渍樱花碎,拌匀,然后再将这两种米饭稍微混合,备用。Mix 1 tbsp sakura powder and the chopped salted sakura into ⅔ of the rice from step 2. Then mix the two types of rice slightly. Set aside.

    Step 7

    在每张保鲜膜上,先放上一朵樱花干,再铺上樱花饭(可用纯净水弄湿手防沾),接着是沙拉虾,将饭团包紧,放入雪柜冷藏后再享用,更美味。Place one dried sakura on each sheet of plastic wrap. Then add a portion of sakura rice, using purified water to prevent sticking. Add the shrimp mixture on top of the rice. Wrap the rice tightly with the plastic wrap. Chill in the refrigerator before serving.
