南瓜鲜菇焖饭 Pumpkin and Fresh Mushroom Rice

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1. 起锅热牛油,把葱头,蒜头及虾米爆香。(图3)
2. 然后加入南瓜,鸡肉及鲜菇,炒2分钟。(图4-5)
3. 加入白米和调味料,炒1-2分钟后移到电饭煲里。(图6-7)
4. 加入鸡高汤,搅拌均匀后试味,然后开电把饭煮熟。(图8)
5. 饭煮好后不要开盖,焖10分钟后才开,吃时撒上莞荽和青葱粒。

280g (2 cups) brown long grain rice (washed and drained),200 g pumpkin (cubed), 2 Tbsps cooking oil, 2 heaped Tbps butter, 1 shallot (chopped), 2 cloves garlic (chopped), 2 Tbsps dried prawns (washed and drained), 130g chicken meat (cubed & marinated with 1⁄2 tsp salt, pepper), 1 packet fresh mushrooms-shimeiji (roots cut off), 300 ml fresh chicken stock
1⁄2 tsp salt, 1⁄2 tsp sugar, 1⁄2 tsp pepper, 1 tsp dark soya sauce, 1 tsp chicken stock granules
Some coriander leaves, Some chopped spring onions
1. Heat oil and butter in a wok, stir-fry chopped garlic, shallots and dried prawns until light browned. (pic 3)
2. Toss in pumpkin, chicken and shimeiji mushrooms and sauté for another 2 minutes. (pic 4-5)
3. Add rice and seasoning, toss briefly for 1-2 minutes. Transfer rice mixture into an electric rice cooker. (pic 6-7)
4. Pour in chicken stock, adjusting seasonings to taste; cook until rice is done. (pic 8)
5. Leave rice in the rice cooker for another 10 minutes, garnish before serving.