双冬蒸鱼 Steamed Fish with Dong Cai

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1. 把白须公洗净留头尾切片; 冬菜洗净挤干水份备用。(图1)
2. 把冬菇洗净切片;青葱洗净后切粒备用;把姜丝和辣椒切片备用。
3. 取蒸盘把葱段垫底,将鱼片排好;上蒸笼大火蒸8分钟取出;倒掉鱼汁备用。(图2)
4. 把蒜茸,姜丝,冬菜,冬菇片,用热油以小火爆香。(图3)
5. 加入调味料煮沸,焖至汁稠,淋在蒸好的鱼上。(图4-6)
6. 撒上葱花和辣椒片即可享用。

1kg Bak Shou Gong (Dwarf Catfish),1 tbsp preserved mustard (Dong Cai), 2 pcs mushroom(soaked),1 tbsp chopped ginger,
some spring onion blocks, 1 red chilli
1⁄2 tsp each of salt & pepper, 1 tbsp steam fish sauce, 1 tsp Chinese cooking wine, 1⁄2 bowl water
1. Wash fish, cut off head and tail, slice the body; wash preserved mustard and squeeze out water.
(pic 1)
2. Wash mushroom and sliced; slice red chilli.
3. Arrange fish slice in plate with head and tail by sitting on top of spring onion blocks, steam in high
heat for 8 minutes, discard the steaming sauce.(pic2)
4. Sauté garlic, ginger, preserved mustard and mushroom with some oil until fragrant.(pic 3)
5. Add in seasoning and bring to boil, simmer till sauce thicken.(pic 4-6)
6. Pour the sauce over the fish, and then sprinkle chopped spring onion and red chilli on top of fish before serving.