可乐鸡 Coca-Cola Chicken

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材料 :
调味料 :
做法 :
1 将鸡腿洗净,用刀割两道口,以利进味。
2 用盐和料酒腌制鸡腿片刻。(图1)
3 将腌制好的鸡腿放入油中煎至成金黄色,在锅中可放姜片去除腥味。(图2)
4 在锅中留少许油,爆香葱蒜末。(图3)
5 下鸡腿、可乐及调味料,炒匀。(图4-5)
6 旺火烧开,即转小火煮至入味,再转至大火煮至汁水浓稠,即可出锅。(图6)

1 bottle Coca-Cola, 8 chicken drumsticks, 2 slice chopped ginger, some spring onion (chopped), 2
pips garlic (chopped)
2 tbsp cooking wine, 2 tbsp soy soy sauce, ½ tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, some cooking oil
1 Clean chicken drumsticks, cut 2 slits on each.
2 Marinate with salt and cooking wine for a while. (pic 1)
3 Fried marinated drumsticks in hot oil with someginger slice until golden brown; drain. (pic 2)
4 Keep some oil in wok, saute spring onion and garlic until fragrant. (pic 3)
5 Add in drumsticks,Coca-Cola and seasoning, stir well. (pic 4-5)
6 Bring to quick boil and then simmer in low heat until flavour infused; turn to high heat to