果酱猪扒Jam Sauce Pork Chop

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alce nero有机杂莓酱100克、alce nero 有机杏桃酱100克、alce nero 有机黑陈醋6汤匙、大葱½粒(剁碎)、蒜头茸1汤匙、黑胡椒粉½茶匙、辣椒粉2茶匙、橄榄油1汤匙、盐适量


1. 用可乐浸泡猪扒肉30分钟,以水冲洗猪肉后滴干。(图1)
2. 以腌料腌猪肉30分钟。
3. 热不黏锅,以少许油把猪肉煎至两面熟透转黄。(图2-3)

1. 起锅热橄榄油,把大葱炒至透明后加入蒜茸炒均。(图4)
2. 加入所有其他果酱材料,炒均即可;试味时以陈醋调节。(图5)

1. 把西兰花、包菜花川烫好滴干水排蝶。(图6)
2. 把薯条炸至金黄色滴干油。(图7)
3. 将薯条蔬菜分别摆碟,放上猪扒并淋上果酱享用。(图8)

4 pcs pork chop, 1 canned Coca-Cola

2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine, ½ tsp pepper, 1 tsp salt, ½ tsp sugar, 1 tsp sesame oil

【Jam sauce】
100g alce nero Organic Mixed Berries Jam, 100g alce nero Organic Peach Jam, 6 tbsp alce nero Organic balsamic vinegar, ½ onion(chopped), 2 pips garlic(chopped), ½ tsp black pepper, 2 tsp paprika, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt to taste

【Side dishes】
Fried potato chips, blanched cauliflower and broccoli

1. Soak pork chop in Coca-Cola for 30 minutes. Wash off carbonated drink from the pork chop, drain. (pic 1)
2. Marinate pork chop with condiments for 30 minutes.
3. Sear the pork chop until both sides are cooked through. (pic 2-3)

【To prepare sauce】
1. Saute onion with olive oil until transparent, toss in garlic. (pic 4)
2. Add in all other ingredients and adjust taste with more vinegar and spices as needed. (pic 5)

【To serve】
1. Blanch all the vegetables and set side. (pic 6)
2. Deep fry potatoes in hot oil, drain. (pic 7)
3. Pour jam sauce over pork chop and serve with French fries and vege.(pic 8)