梅菜虾碌Stir-fried Prawn with Mei Chai

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咸梅菜干50克、明虾500克、蒜茸1汤匙、红辣椒1条 姜茸1汤匙、葱半棵、芹菜梗2棵


1. 梅菜氽烫洗净;泡烧水一个钟以减低咸味;剁碎备用。(图1)
2. 明虾去须洗净备用;青葱,芹菜梗和红辣椒洗净后切细备用。(图2-3)
3. 把备好的姜茸和蒜茸起油锅爆香;再把梅菜,青葱,芹菜梗和红辣椒以大火炒香。
4. 将虾子倒入锅内大火兜抄至虾壳转成红色为止。
5. 倒入半小碗的清水或清汤煮开,加入调味料调好味道。
6. 把虾炒至收汁后勾芡;即可盛入碟子;撒上葱享用。(图4)

50g dried salted Mei Chai, 500g grass prawns, 1 tbsp chopped garlic, 1 red chili, 1 tbsp chopped ginger, some chopped spring onion, 2 sprigs chinese celery stem

Dash of salt, sugar, fish sauce, oyster sauce and Chine cooking wine

1. Blanch Mei Chai, soak in hot water for 1 hour, and then chopped coarsely.(pic 1)
2. Trim and wash prawns; chopped red chilli, chinese celery stem and spring onion.(pic 2-3)
3. Heat oil in wok, sauté garlic and ginger until fra-grant, toss in Mei Chai, spring onion and red chili.
4. Add in prawns and stir-fry in high heat until turns red.
5. Pour in 1/2 bowl water or stock and bring to boil, add in seasoning.
6. Cook until gravy reduced, thicken with starch and dish out.(pic 4)