沙谷甜粽Sweet Sago Dumplings

  • Prep Time
    15 mins
  • Cook Time
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    心得交流站 : 沙谷甜粽可收在冰箱里,冷的比较好吃。

    Step 1

    把绿豆片以水煮至软身,滴干。Cook mung beans in a pot of water until soften.Drain well and put aside.

    Step 2

    另外煮热水,放入沙谷米煮1至2分钟,滴干。Boil a pot of water and cook sago for about 1-2 minutes.Remove and drain.

    Step 3

    趁热把沙谷米和绿豆片及红豆混合搅拌均匀,然后再混入芥花籽油、盐及糖。While sago is still hot mix with mung beans and red kidney beans in a large mixing bowl. Stir in canola oil,salt and sugar to mix thoroughly.

    Step 4

    用两片粽叶折成斗状,放入3汤匙沙谷米料,绑成三角形状,以草绳扎紧。Take 2 bamboo leaves and fold into a cone shape. Fill up with 3 heaped tablespoons of sago mixture to fill the cone.Wrap up the dumpling and secure with hemps string.

    Step 5

    把绑好的粽子以大火蒸10-12分钟即可。Steam the dumplings over medium high heat for about 10-12 minutes.

    Step 6

    待冷却5分钟后才吃。Remove dumplings out and leave for 5 minutes before serving.
