海鲜炒西芹木瓜 Stir-Fried Seafood With Papaya & Celery

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2.西芹撕除老筋,斜切片,木瓜去皮切片。(图 1)
3.虾仁放入滚水中氽烫,颜色转红即可捞出去壳,备用。(图 2)
4.鲜鱿鱼去除外膜及内脏,交叉划纹路后切成一口大小的片状,快速川烫,捞起备用。(图 3-4)
5.锅中注入1汤匙油爆香姜片和葱段,入鱿鱼炒约1分钟、加入西芹,木瓜同炒。(图 5-7)
6.再放入虾仁、蛤蜊及调味料,盖上锅盖以大火焖煮约1分钟,至蛤蜊全开即可盛出。(图 8)


6 medium prawns, 1 fresh squid, 100g lala, 1 stalk celery, 1 small slice semi ripe papaya, 3 slices giner, 2 stalk spring onions(cut into blocks)

2tbsp soy sauce, 1tsp sesame oil, dash of pepper, 1/2tsp salt, 1tsp sugar

1.Soak lala in salted water to remove the sands.
2.Peel skin of celery and then slice slantwise; peel papaya and slice.(pic 1)
3.Blanch prawns in boiling water, once turns red, dish out and shelled.(pic 2)
4.Devein the squid, crisscross the surface and then cut into bite size, briefly blanch in boiling water, drain.(pic 3-4)
5.Saute ginger and spring onion with 1tbsp of oil until fragrant, toss in squid and stir-fry for 1 minute, add in celery and papaya.(pic 5-7)
6.Toss in prawns, lala and seasoning, cover lid and cook in low heat for 1 minute until lala open their shell, dish out.(pic 8)

This dish is rich in proteins, good for those growing up, especially good for breast development.