牛油炸虾饼 Butter Prawn Fritter

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1. 将虾剥壳洗净,抹干水份备用。
2. 把面糊材料拌匀成滑面糊,放入虾仁混合。
3. 镬中烧热炸油,用汤匙舀沾面糊虾仁放入热油中炸至金黄色,取出沥油。
4. 将全部炸油盛出,放入牛油溶解,爆香咖喱叶及指天椒碎。
5. 倒入调味料煮滚,再把虾饼加入,快速兜匀即可。

300g mid-size prawn
200g plain flour, 100g corn flour, 1⁄2 tsp salt, dash of pepper,some water, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp chicken powder
1 tbsp butter, 2 stalks curry leaf, 5 chili padi (chopped)
2 tbsp evaporated milk, 1 tsp sugar, dash of salt
1. Shelled prawns, wash and pat dry.
2. Mixes batter ingredients into smooth batter, dip in prawns.
3. Heat oil in wok, spoon prawn with batter into hot oil and deep fry until golden brown, drain.
4. Keep all deep fry oil; add in butter till melt, sauté curry leaf and chili padi until fragrant.
5. Pour in seasoning and bring to boil; and then toss in prawn fritter and mix well, dish out.