味噌蜜汁烤鱼排 Grilled Miso Fish Fillet

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红味噌 100克、白酒 60毫升、蛋黄 1只、砂糖 2汤匙
美国Russet马铃薯 2个(洗净,连皮切成长条薯角状)、洋葱 1个(切丝)、橄榄油 2汤匙 、日
本七味粉 适量、百里香 适量、黑胡椒 适量、海盐 适量
1. 将取一保鲜袋,将所有的鱼排腌料混合后,连同旗鱼排放入保鲜袋内,放入雪柜腌制过夜。(图1)
2. 配菜做法:把所有的配菜材料放入大容器内,用手抓至均匀沾上调味料,然后平排在烤盘上。
3. 烤鱼做法:将腌制隔夜的鱼排放在烤架上,以200度高温,烤8-10分钟后,取出翻面,再烤
2 pcs swordfish fillet, 1 lemon, some lettuce
100g red miso, 60ml white wine, 1 egg yolk, 2tbsp palm sugar
2 USA Russet potatoes (cut into long strips with skin), 1 onion (juliennes) , 2 tbsp olive oil, dash
of Japanese spices mixtures powder, dash of thyme, black pepper and sea salt
1. Mixes marinades and put them with fish fillet in a plastic bag, keep in fridge overnight.(pic 1)
2. For sub-ingredients, mixes all with its seasoning and then place on a baking tray, bake
in pre-heated oven at 180°C for 25 minutes; turn over and continue baking for another 25 minutes.(pic 2-3)
3. Grill the marinated fish fillet at 200°C for 8-10 minutes, turn over and grill for another
8-10 minutes, done; serve with sub-ingredients whilst hot. (pic 4)