瓦煲老火汤 Clay pot Shooting Soup

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材料 :
金猪脚1只、老黄瓜 2条、红枣6颗、鱿鱼干1片(依个人口味而放)、盐适量
做法 :
1. 金猪脚砍段洗净汆烫热水去异味沥干放入砂锅。
2. 老黄瓜洗净切块。(图1)
2. 瓦煲倒入8分满的水,加入全部材料。(图2-5)
3. 用中小火煲2个小时,放盐调味即可。(图6)

1 whole pork trotter, 2 old cucumbers, 6 red dates,
1 pc dried squid, dash of salt
1. Chop trotter into pieces and blanch in boilingwater before put into clay pot. (pic 1)
2. Wash old cucumbers, seeded and cut into pieces;put in pot with dates. (pic 2-5)
3. Pour in water to fill up 80% of pot, boil inmedium low heat for 2 hours, season to taste. (pic 6)