糯米蛋Rice Egg

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腊肠 1/4条(切丁)
香菇 1大朵(切丁)
胡萝卜丁 1/4根(切丁)
青豆 适量
纯净水 3杯

蚝油 1/2茶匙
黑酱油 1/4茶匙
黄糖 1/2茶匙
胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
麻油 1茶匙

1. 将十谷米如同一般白米洗净,下3杯的纯净水,然后放进雪柜内,泡过夜后,沥干,备用。
2. 将所有调味料与十谷米拌匀,然后下腊肠丁、香菇丁、胡萝卜丁和青豆,腌60分钟,备用。
3. 将所有的蛋洗净,在蛋顶上敲出一个小洞口,倒出蛋白,保留蛋黄在壳内,备用。
4. 将作法2的米填入作法3的蛋壳内,至满。
5. 将作法4的糯米蛋包上锡纸以防漏出,接着放进电饭锅,蒸60分钟,即可取出,享用。

5 salted egg (or normal egg), 1/2 cup 10 grain rice, 1/4 Chinese sausage (dice), 1 mushroom(dice), 1/4 carrot (dice), some green peas, 3 cups water

1/2 tsp oyster sauce, 1/4 dark soy sauce, 1/2 tsp brown sugar, 1/4 tsp pepper, 1 tsp sesame oil

1. Wash 10 grains rice, soak with 3 cups of water, keep into fridge for overnight, drain and set aside.
2. Mix seasoning with the rice, add in Chinese sausage, mushroom, carrot and green peas, marinate for 60 minutes, set aside.
3. Wash all the eggs, knock a small hole on top of the egg, pour out the egg white and keep the egg yolk into the shell.
4. Fill the egg with the rice mixture till full.
5. Wrap the egg with aluminium paper to avoid leakage. Place the egg into rice cooker and steam for 60 minutes, done.