红烧扣肉焖马铃薯 Braised Stewed Pork Sliced With Potato

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1: 将马铃薯去皮切片,冲一冲清水后沥干水分备用。(图1)
2: 镬中以少许油爆香万茂牌麻油辣腐乳罐头及调味料,放入马铃薯片并洒入适
3: 加入古龙牌红烧扣肉罐头煮至入味。(图4)
4: 把煮好的材料加入青葱兜匀即可。

Ingredients :
1 canned GULONG Brand Stewed Pork Sliced, 2 potato,
1 block MAKMUR Brand Canned Fermented Spicy Tofu,
1 stalk spring onion (cut blocks)
Seasoning :
1 tbsp PEARL RIVER BRIDGE Top Grade Oyster Sauce,
2 tbsp PEARL RIVER BRIDGE Superior Light Soy Sauce,
dash of sugar, ½ tsp chicken powder
Method :
1: Peel and slice potatoes, rinse under tap water, drain
and set aside. (pic 1)
2: Heat some oil in wok, sauté MAKMUR Brand Canned
Fermented Spicy Tofu and seasoning until aromatic,
add in potato slices with some water, cover with lid
and simmer for 5 minutes. (pic 2-3)
3: Add in GULONG Brand Canned Stewed Pork Sliced
and braise until flavor infused. (pic 4)
4: Toss in spring onion before dish out.