胡蘿蔔牛奶餐包 Carrot Buns

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1. 将胡萝卜汁、牛奶和鸡蛋倒入面包机内锅。(图1)
2. 倒入高筋面粉,接着将速溶酵母放进面粉中央,然后将黄糖和盐分别放在面粉的角落。(图2)
3. 启动面包机,按”慢速和面”功能揉面15分钟。
4. 加入牛油,再按”自发面团”功能进行发酵1个小时30分钟。(图3-4)
5. 取出面团,桌上洒点面粉,将面团均分为8份,塑型滚圆后,盖上保鲜纸,松弛10分钟。(图5)
6. 第二次塑型滚圆并加上熊耳朵后,即可摆入铺上烘焙纸的烤盘里,常温发酵60分钟或至2倍大,涂上蛋液,黏上
7. 烤箱预热180℃,烤12-15分钟,待凉后用黑芝麻酱画上表情,即可。

50ml carrot juice, 100ml fresh milk, 1 egg (about 50g) ,
300g organic high protein flour, 5g organic instant yeast,
30g organic palm sugar, 5g sea salt, 20g unsalted butter
Egg sauce, cheese slices and black sesame sauce
1. Pour carrot juice, milk and eggs into bread making mechine. (pic 1)
2. Pour in high protein flour, place instant yeast at the middle of flour; place palm sugar and salt around the
corner of flour. (pic 2)
3. Switch on the bread machine, choose slow knead and knead for 15 minutes.
4. Add in butter and press self-rising dough function, go into the process of rising the dough for 1½ hour.(pic 3-4)
5. Remove dough from mechine, sprinkle some flour on table top and apportion into 8 sets; shape round and
cover with cling to rest for 10 minutes.(pic 5)
6. Shape second time and arrange on lined baking tray, rest in room temperature for 60 minutes or until expand
double in size; brush egg sauce on the surface, put on the round cheese slice.(pic 6)
7. Pre-heat oven to 180℃, bake for 12-15 minutes; once cool down, use sesame sauce to draw emotion on top.