茄汁猪肉圆Tomato Meat Balls

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猪绞肉300克、虾仁100克(拍扁剁碎)、蛋白1个、蒜头 5瓣(切末)、青葱 2支(切末)、玉米粉 2汤匙
鱼露 1茶匙、麻油 1茶匙、盐 ⁄ 茶匙、白胡椒粉 ⁄ 茶匙
番茄酱 60毫升、清水 50毫升、麻油 1茶匙、鱼露 1茶匙、砂糖 1茶匙、盐 ⁄ 茶匙
玉米粉水 (1茶匙玉米粉+2汤匙清水)
1. 将所有的材料加腌料混合,用力搅拌至起胶有黏性,做成8粒肉圆,备用。(图1-2)
2. 烧热炸油锅,将肉圆炸至金黄、熟透,捞起备用。(图3)
3. 取另外一个锅,将所有的酱汁调均后倒入锅内,中火煮至滚,加入玉米粉水勾芡,即可离火。(图4)
4. 将酱汁淋在炸肉圆上,趁热享用。

300g minced pork meat, 100g shelled shrimp (chopped), 1 egg white, 5 pips garlic (chopped), 2 stalks spring onion
(chopped), 2 tbsp corn flour
1 tsp fish sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, ⁄ tsp salt, ⁄ tsp pepper
【Sauce ingredients】
60ml tomato sauce, 50ml water, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp fish sauce, 1 tsp sugar, ⁄ tsp salt
1 tsp corn flour + 2 tbsp water
1. Mixes all ingredients with marinade ingredients and blend with hand until sticky; and then make into 8 meat balls.(pic 1-2)
2. Heat oil in wok, deep fry the meat balls until golden brown.(pic 3)
3. Heat up another wok, add in all pre-mixed sauce ingredients and bring to boil in medium heat, thicken with starch and off the heat.(pic 4)
4. Pour sauce over meat balls and serve.