荷塘小炒 Stir-fried Lotus Root

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蚝油1汤匙、鸡精粉1茶匙、糖1⁄4 茶匙、绍兴酒1汤匙、盐少许
1. 将莲子浸泡后挑出苦心,以清水预先煲软备用。
2. 荷兰豆撕去筋;西芹撕除老筋,切成小段;鲜云耳撕成小片;鲜百合剥成小瓣;莲藕刮皮切薄
3. 把所有材料川烫沸水,滤干备用。(图4)
4. 烧热2汤匙油爆香姜片及蒜片,然后加入所有的材料翻炒。(图5)
5. 加入调味料炒匀即可上碟。

150g lotus root, 50g Snow pea, 80g fresh black fungus, 1 fresh lily pulp, 2 stalks celery, 20 pcs
lotus seeds, 5g ginger slices, 5g garlic slices
1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp chicken powder, 1⁄4 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp Hua Diao wine, dash of salt
1. Soak lotus seeds, remove gems; wash and boil until soften.
2. Remove strings of snow peas and celery, cut into sections; black fungus and lily pulp tear into
small pieces; thinly sliced lotus root and soak in salted water.(pic 1-3)
3. Blanch all ingredients in boiling water, drain.(pic 4)
4. Heat up 2 tbsp oil in wok, sauté garlic and ginger until fragrant, toss in all ingredients.(pic 5)
5. Add in seasoning and dish out.