萝卜丝酥饼 Crispy Reddish Puff

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水皮材料 :(混合均匀) 面粉500克、白油200克、水适量
油酥材料 :(混合均匀) 面粉250克、白油125克
馅料 白萝卜丝600克、虾米1大匙、火腿丝适量
调味料 盐1小匙、麻油1大匙
1. 白萝卜丝加盐,腌15分钟,挤干水分,放火腿丝加虾米和麻油拌成馅料备用。
2. 将水皮和油皮分别切成8小块,将油皮包入水皮中,收口捏紧后, 杆成长形,再卷成圆筒备用。
3. 在面团中间切成长形杆成长方形,包入适量馅料,收口捏紧朝下。
4. 将酥饼放入温油中炸至金黄色。

Ingredients water dough

500g plain flour, 200g shortening, some water
Ingredients oil dough

250g plain flour, 125g shortening

600g shredded reddish, 1 tbsp dried shrimp, some shredded ham

1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp sesame oil

1. Marinate shredded reddish with salt for 15 minutes; discard the water, then mixes with shredded
ham and sesame oil as filling.
2. Apportion water and oil dough into 8 small pieces, then wrap oil dough into water dough, lengthening
the dough with rolling pin, and then roll it.
3. Slashing the dough on the centre and stuff in the filling, then seal and facing down.
4. Deep fry the dough in hot oil until golden brown, done.