豆豉苦瓜鱼滑拌饭Bittergourd with Fish Paste and Black Beans Over Rice

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【勾芡】 生粉1茶匙、清水2汤匙

【装饰】 莞荽适量

1. 起锅热适量油,用汤匙将鱼胶舀入油中泡至将熟即可盛出,沥油待用。
2. 锅中留2汤匙油,把姜和蒜头炒香。(图1)
3. 加入豆豉和豆瓣酱,炒香后加入苦瓜和鱼胶。(图2-4)
4. 炒约2分钟后加入调味料,然后勾芡。(图5)
5. 把苦瓜鱼滑盛出,淋在白饭上趁热吃。

150 g bittergourd (sliced thinly + extra salt for washing),2 tbsps cooking oil, 10 g ginger, sliced thinly, 2 cloves garlic(chopped), 1 heaped tbsp black beans(washed briefly), 1 tbsp soy bean paste ‘tau cheow’,100 g fish paste(store-bought from the wet market), coriander leaves(garnishing)

1⁄4 tsp ground pepper, 1⁄4 tsp dark soya sauce, 1⁄2 tsp sugar,1 tsp chicken stock granules, 5-6 tbsps water

1 tsp cornflour + 2 Tbps water

1. Heat oil in a wok, spoon fish paste into wok and fry briefly. Once the fish paste turn white, dish out and drain.
2. Leave 2 tbsp oil in wok, sauté ginger and garlic till fra-grant. (pic 1)
3. Add black bean paste and soy bean paste. Stir-fry well till bean pastes are fragrant, then add the bitter gourd and fish paste.(pic2- 4)
4. Stir-fry for one to two minutes. Pour in seasonings and thickening solution.(pic5)
5. Dish out over rice and serve immediately.