豉汁鱼滑即食面Braised Jnstant Noodle with Fish Paste

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4.锅中留少许油爆香蒜头及姜片,加入豆酱及黑豆鼓,倒入一碗水及汆烫的面焖煮片刻。(图 5-7)

1 pkt instant noodle, 100g fish paste, 2 blocks tofu, 2 stalks spring onion, 2 tsp soy bean paste, 1 tsp black fermented soy bean, 2 pips garlic (chopped), 2 slices ginger, 1 bowl water

1 tsp chicken stock granule, drops of sesame oil, 1/2 tsp sugar, 1 tsp soy sauce, some starch for thickening

1.Scald instant noodle in boiling water until soften, drain.
2.Deep fry tofu until golden brown, and then cut into 3 slices. (pic 1)
3.Shape fish paste with spoon into oval shape, and then deep fry until light brown, drain.(pic 2-4)
4.Keep some oil in wok, sauté garlic and ginger until fragrant, and then toss in soy bean paste and black fermented soy bean, pour in water plus noodles, simmer shortly.(pic 5-7)
5.Add in spring onion and seasoning; thicken with starch.(pic 8)