香脆琵琶豆腐 Crispy Stuffed Tofu

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1. 玉子豆腐用搅拌机搅成茸备用。(图1)
2. 皮蛋和咸蛋切粒备用。
3. 将所有材料,调味料和豆腐茸混合,酿入汤匙,放入蒸炉蒸3~5分钟。(图2-3)
4. 将蒸熟的豆腐从汤匙取出,沾少许生粉炸至皮脆金黄色即完成。(图4)

2 Japanese egg tofu, 200g fish paste, 20g chopped spring onion, 1 century egg, 1 salted egg yolk, 2 tbsp corn flour, some chopped coriander
1⁄2 tsp chicken powder, 1⁄2 tsp sole fish powder
1. Blend tofu in blender until fine.(pic 1)
2. Dice century egg and salted egg yolk.
3. Mixes all ingredients with seasoning and tofu; and then stuff into spoon and steam for 3-5 minutes.(pic 2-3)
4. Remove steam tofu from spoon and coat with corn flour; deep fry until golden brown, done. (pic 4)