香酥芋头肉饼Crispy Yam Patties

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猪肉碎300克、芋头200克、葱头30克(切碎)、红萝卜50克(切碎)、蛋白1 粒、粟粉2 汤匙

粘米粉4 汤匙、清水3汤匙(混合)

生抽1 汤匙、蚝油½ 汤匙、胡椒粉少许

1. 芋头去皮切块,蒸熟后趁热压成泥。
2. 把所有材料放入大碗内,加入调味料拌匀成芋团。
3. 把芋团均分成10份,揉成球状后,压成饼状,
4. 摆在碟里,以大火蒸10分钟,盛起待冷。
5. 把芋泥饼沾上面糊,放入热油里炸至香酥及金黄色即可。

300g minced meat, 200g yam, 30g shallots (chopped), 50g carrot (chopped), 1 egg white, 3 tbsp water

【Batter Ingredients】
4 tbsp rice flour, 3 tbsp water (pre-mixed)

1 tbsp soy sauce, ½ tbsp oyster sauce, dash of pepper

1. Peel yam and cut into pieces; and then steam until cooked, mash it while hot.
2. In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and seasoning, mix thoroughly.
3. Separate yam dough into 10 portions; shape into balls and then flatten as patties.
4. Place in plate and steam for 10 minutes, let cool.
5. Coat yam patties with batter and deep fry in hot oil until golden brown and crispy.