2 道绞肉食谱

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三王蒸肉饼 Steamed Meat with Salted Egg

1. 将五花肉剁碎,加入调味料拌匀,置于碟中。(图1-2)
2. 将咸蛋黄铺在肉碎上,以大火蒸20分钟便可。(图3-5)
3. 取出撒入葱花便可享用。

300g minced pork belly, 3 salted egg yolk, some chopped spring onion
1 tbsp corn flour, 1 tbsp soy sauce, dash of salt, some water, 1 tsp sesame oil
1. Mince and marinate pork belly with seasoning and place in plate.(pic 1-2)
2. Spread salted egg yolk on top of minced meat and steam in high heat for 20 minutes.(3-5)
3. Sprinkle chopped spring onion on top to serve.


清蒸苦瓜封 Steamed Stuffed Bitter Gourd

猪肉碎350克、苦瓜1条、香脆菜心 1⁄2 罐、青豆1汤匙
鸡精粉 1⁄2 茶匙、胡椒粉少许、盐少许、粟粉1汤匙
1. 将苦瓜对半剖开挖出籽,放入油镬中过油捞出,沥去油渍。(图1)
2. 香脆菜心剁碎(菜汁留用),加入肉碎及调味料拌匀成馅。(图2)
3. 将馅料分别酿入苦瓜中,移入蒸镬蒸25-30分钟至软。(图3-4)
4. 将蒸菜心汁与青豆略滚一滚淋入苦瓜上便可。

350g minced pork meat, 1 bitter gourd, 1⁄2 canned Choy Sum, 1 tbsp peas
1⁄2 tsp chicken powder, dash of salt & pepper, 1 tbsp corn flour
1. Halve the bitter gourd vertically, seeded and blanch in hot oil, drain.(pic 1)
2. Chop canned Choy Sum (keep the sauce) and combine with minced meat and seasoning as filling.(pic 2)
3. Stuff the filling into bitter gourd, and then steam for 25-30 minutes or until soften.(pic 3-4)
4. Boil the steamed gravy and Choy Sum sauce with peas, pour it over stuffed bitter gourd and serve.