香蕉鸡蛋仔威化饼 Banana Bread Egg Waffles

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C:香蕉泥250克、 优葛2汤匙
1. 把把材料A混合后加入混合的材料B,搅拌成面糊。(图1-2)
2. 当面糊冒泡后,加入香蕉泥及优葛,搅拌均匀。(图3)
3. 热威化炉,涂牛油。把香蕉面糊淋在威化炉上,然后加盖,再把炉倒转,以让面糊流透。(图4)
4. 烤至威化饼变焦黄即取出,重复步骤至面糊用尽。

1. 把威化饼放在碟子里,铺上香蕉片,淋上溶解的牛油和巧克力,糖焦及桂皮粉。
2. 可随意选择配冰淇淋或鲜奶油吃。

【Waffle Ingredients】
A:240 g plain flour (sifted), 2 tbsps brown sugar, 1⁄2 tsp salt
B:1 1⁄2 tsp instant yeast, 250 ml milk, 60g butter(melted) ,2 “Grade A” eggs(beaten lightly), 1 tsp vanilla
C: 250 g mashed bananas, 2 tbsps yoghurt
D: Extra bananas, dusted with some cinnamon powder
1.Mixes ingredients A and then add in ingredients B and mix into batter.
2.Once the batter starts to froth add in the mashed bananas with yoghurt and use immediately.
3.Heat the waffle machine, grease with some butter.
4.Pour in the banana waffle batter and close the waffle lid. Turn the machine over allowing the batter to flow properly in the machine.
5.Cook until the waffle is light brown, remove and repeat steps until all the batter is finished.
【To serve】
1.Place banana waffle in a plate, top with fresh bananas and some melted butter/ chocolate if wish
for drizzling or caramel and some cinnamon.
2. You may serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or even fresh cream.