香烤童子鸡 Baked Spring Chicken with Cranberries Sauce

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1. 用盐、黑胡椒粉、甜椒粉及牛油涂抹鸡身,塞半颗柠檬在鸡肚子里面。(图1-3)
2. 把童子鸡放入预热至180度的烤箱烤大约35-45分钟至熟。(图4)
3. 将小包菜及小红萝卜川烫好备用。(图5-6)
4. 准备平底锅,加入少许牛油把意大利黄瓜、小包菜、小萝卜、洋葱及马铃薯炒匀,加盐和胡椒粉调味备
5. 蔓越莓酱做法:把蔓越莓酱材料全部煮开即可。(图8)
6. 准备大盘子,把童子鸡摆中间,配菜摆旁边,配蔓越莓酱上桌。

1 spring chicken, 50g each of yellow zucchini, baby cabbage and carrot, 20g onion (diced), 100g potato
【Chicken Marinate】
sweet paprika, salt, black pepper, butter, 1⁄2 lemon
salt and black pepper to taste
【Cranberry Sauce】
100g cranberry sauce, 200ml water, sugar to taste
1. Rub spring chicken with salt, black pepper, sweet paprika and butter; stuff lemon into the cavity.(pic 1-3)
2. Pre-heat oven at 180℃ and bake the spring chicken for 35-45 minutes until cooked.(pic 4)
3. Blanch baby cabbage and baby carrot in boiling water, drain.(pic 5-6)
4. Heat butter in pan, stir-fry carrot, zucchini, cabbage, onion and potato, season to taste.(pic 7)
5. To prepare cranberry sauce: Bring all ingredients to boil, set aside.(pic 8)
6. Place spring chicken on the center of plate, surround with fried vegetables and serve with cranberry sauce.