麻辣酱爆鸡翅马铃薯 Spicy Chicken Wings with Potatoes

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B:辣椒干8条(剪段)、花椒1⁄2 茶匙、八角2粒、蒜茸2瓣、小葱茸2粒、姜茸1茶匙
1. 鸡翅切开2节,加入腌料拌匀腌1⁄2小时,然后油炸至金黄色,备用。(图1)
2. 马铃薯放入热油中炸至表皮微黄,捞出。(图2)
3. 镬中留油少许,爆香B料,加入辣豆瓣酱炒香,放入鸡翅、马铃薯翻炒。(图3-5)
4. 倒入剩余调味料和水,煮滚后转中火,盖上焖煮10分钟即可。

A:3 chicken wings, 3 potatoes (cut wedges), 1 cup water
B:8 dried chili (cut sections), 1⁄2 tsp Chinese peppercorn, 2 pcs star anise, 2 pips garlic, 2 shallots (chopped), 1 tsp chopped ginger
2 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
1 tbsp spicy soy bean paste, 1 tsp black vinegar, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbps soy sauce, 1⁄2 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp sesame oil
1. Cut chicken wings into 2 portions, marinate with condiments for 1⁄2 hour; and then deep fry until golden brown. (pic 1)
2. Deep fry potatoes until the skin are lightly browned. (pic 2)
3. Keep some oil in wok, saute ingredients B until fragrant, toss in spicy soy bean paste and follow with chicken wings and potatoes, stir to mix. (pic 3-5)
4. Pour in remaining seasoning and water, once boiled, turn to medium heat and simmer for 10 minutes, done.