蜜汁香菇卷 Honey Mushroom Roll

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黑醋50克、黄糖1大匙、素蚝油1大匙、生抽 1⁄2 大匙、香菇精 1⁄2 小匙、水100克、粟米粉 1⁄2 小匙、麻油 1⁄2 小匙
1. 将香菇先泡软洗干净待用。
2. 梅菜 梗冲洗干净,浸泡去咸味,撕开细条待用。(图1)
3. 把 红萝卜、素火腿、豆干切2寸长条。
4. 将 香菇铺平,放入红萝卜、素火腿及豆干条卷起,用梅菜梗绑好。(图2-3)
5. 烧热 油,把香菇卷炸至香捞起沥油。(图4)
6. 将 调味料入锅煮沸至浓稠,加入香菇卷拌炒均匀,浇上麻油上碟,再浇上芝麻、芫茜即可。(图5)

10 pcs Chinese mushroom, 60g carrot, 60g mock ham, 1 pc five spiced bean curd, 5 stalks Mei Cai stems, some coriander & toasted sesame seeds
【Honey Sauce】
50g black vinegar, 1 tbsp palm sugar, 1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce, 1⁄2 tbsp soy sauce, 1⁄2 tsp mushroom granule, 100ml water, 1⁄2 tsp corn flour, 1⁄2 tsp sesame oil
1. Soak Chinese mushroom until soften, drain.
2. Wash and soak Mei Cai stems, and then tear into strings.(pic 1)
3. Cut carrot, mock ham and bean curd into 2 inches strips.
4. Flatten mushroom, top with strips ingredients and tighten with Mei Cai string.(pic 2-3)
5. Heat oil in wok, deep fry the mushroom roll until fragrant, drain. (pic 4)
6. Bring honey sauce ingredients to boil until thicken, toss in fried mushroom rolls until well coated, drizzle in sesame oil and sprinkle sesame seeds and coriander over to serve.(pic 5)