富贵卤鸭 Traditional Braised Duck

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1. 全鸭去内脏,洗净,用适量盐涂抹鸭身内外,再洗净。
2. 热一个大深锅,加入约3汤匙糖,中火翻炒至糖转褐色。(图4)
3. 加入鸭子不停翻转,让鸭身均匀沾上炒过的焦糖。(图5)
4. 倒入清水,至盖过大半的鸭身。注入黑酱油上色,以少许酱青和糖调味,加盖焖卤。(图6-7)
5. 期间要开盖翻转鸭子,让鸭身均匀上色,可再适量添加黑酱油、酱油和其余糖来调味。(图8)
6. 卤约35至45分钟至鸭子呈油亮深褐色、入味软熟及汁浓稠。
7. 将卤鸭取出,去掉内腔的香料,斩块即可配上卤汁上碟。

1 whole duck (large)
【Spice Ingredients】
1 tbsp five spice powder, 2 pieces cinnamon sticks, 2 pieces star anises, 1 small piece galangal (peel, cut into pieces and smash), 3 to 4 cloves garlic
1⁄2 tbsp salt, 4 tbsp sugar, approx 1 tbsp dark soy sauce (as colouring), 2 tbsp light soy sauce
1. Clean the duck and evenly rub with salt, rinse. Mix all spice Ingredients and stuff into the cavity of duck. Seal with toothpicks. (pic 1-3)
2. Heat up a large pot. Add 3 tbsp of sugar and saute over medium heat until it browns. (pic 4)
3. Add in duck and keep overturn the duck in the syrup to evenly coat.(pic 5)
4. Pour in water enough to cover half of the duck. Add some light soy sauce and salt to taste. Add some dark soy sauce for colouring. Cover the pot and braise. (pic 6-7)
5. Keep overturn the duck during cooking process to evenly coat with sauce. Add more soy sauces and sugar to taste if necessary. (pic 8)
6. Braise the duck for 35 to 45 minutes until sauce thicken and the duck turns silky brown and tender.
7. Remove braised duck from pot and discard spices from cavity. Chop and serve with gravy.