腊味芽菇煲 Claypot Waxed Meat with Nga Ku

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1. 将腊鸭腿皮脂油切除,与其他腊味一起川烫沸水洗净备用。(图1-2)
2. 烧热1汤匙油,中火爆香蒜茸、南乳,加入木耳和芽菇仔炒香。(图3-4)
3. 放入腊味和水及调味料,煮滚后盖上转中小火焖煮约40-45分钟至材料够软。(图5-6)
4. 最后以少许粟粉水勾芡后,灒入绍兴酒便可。(图7)

300g baby Nga Ku or Nga Ku (arrowhead, sliced), 1 pair Chinese sausages, 1 waxed whole-leg duck, 60g waxed meat, 30g balck fungus (soaked and tear into small pieces), 2 blocks red fermented beancurd, 1 tbsp chopped garlic, 800ml water
2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp chicken powder, 1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine (add last)
1. Remove the skin and fat of waxed duck meat, and then blanch with boiling water, drain. (pic 1-2)
2. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok, sauté garlic and red fermented bean curd until fragrant, toss in black fungus and Nga Ku. (pic 3-4)
3. Add in waxed meat, water and seasoning, once boiled, cover with lid and simmer in low heat for 40-45 minutes or until waxed meats soften. (pic 5-6)
4. Thicken with light starch and drizzle in wine and serve. (pic 7)


