锦上添花 Assorted Vegetables with Mushrooms

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包菜花 1⁄4 棵、西兰花 1⁄4 棵、蘑菇5至6颗(切片)、新鲜冬菇4朵、虾10只、蒜头4瓣(剁碎)、炸腐皮2
块(撕块)、红萝卜1小条、薯粉 1⁄2 汤匙(+1汤匙清水,勾芡)
1. 包菜花和西兰花切小朵;虾去壳留尾;红萝卜切花。((图1-3)
2. 锅子煮沸水放入全部材料汆烫,取出沥干。(图4-5)
3. 锅子烧热1汤匙食油,爆香蒜茸,加入虾拌炒至转红色,加入全部川烫过的材料,炒至熟。(图7-8)
4. 下调味料拌匀,后勾芡上碟。

1⁄4 stalk cauliflower, 1⁄4 stalk broccoli, 5 to 6 nos button mushrooms(sliced), 4 fresh Chinese mushrooms, 10 prawns, 4 cloves garlic(chopped), 2 pieces deep fried bean curd sheets(tear into smaller pieces), 1 carrot, 1⁄2 tbsp tapioca flour (+1 tbsp water for thickening)
1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, a pinch of pepper
1. Rinse all Ingredients seperately. Cut cauliflower and broccoli into florets. Remove shells from prawns and retain the tails. Cut carrot into florets. (pic 1-3)
2. Bring 1⁄2 pot of water to a boil. Scald all Ingredients seperately in the boiling water. Remove and drain. (pic 4-5)
3. Heat up 1 tbsp cooking oil in a wok, saute garlic until fragrant. Add prawns to stri-fry till color changed to red, add in all blanced ingredients, stir fry until cooked. (pic 7-8)
4. Add seasonings, thicken with starch and dish out.

