滑蛋醉虾 Drunken Prawn in Egg

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1. 虾子去肠、剪掉尖角和须,洗净后抹干水份,备用。
2. 在盘内将虾用绍兴酒浸好,撒上姜丝,静置10分钟。(图1-2)
3. 打散鸡蛋后,加入清水和酱油拌匀。(图3)
4. 将蛋液倒入装了虾的蒸盘内,放入蒸锅,以大火蒸约10分钟,淋上蒜米油,趁热享用。(图4)

16 pcs mid-size prawns, 4 tbsp. Hua Diao wine, 1 tbsp juliennes ginger, 1 egg, 100ml water, 1⁄2 tsp
soy sauce, 1 tbsp garlic oil
1. Trim and clean prawns, wash and pat dry.
2. In a steam plate, soak prawns with wine and ginger for 10 minutes.(pic 1-2)
3. Beat egg with water and soy sauce.(pic 3)
4. Pour egg sauce into prawns and it mixture; then steam in high heat for 10 minutes, drizzle garlic
oil on top and serve hot. (pic 4)