鱼头豆腐汤Fishhead Tofu Soup

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1.鱼头洗净剖成两边,抹干水份以少许胡椒粉、盐及生粉拌匀腌10分钟,然后以热油炸熟待用。(图 1-3)
2.用少许油爆香姜片及葱,注入上汤,鱼头煮滚。 (图 4-5)

1pc fish head, 1 block soft tofu, 3 slices ginger, 1 stalk spring onion, 600ml

1 tsp chicken stock powder, dash of salt & pepper

1.Wash fish head, cut into halve and then marinate with some salt, pepper and corn flour for 10 minutes.Deep fry the fish head and keep aside.(pic 1-3)
2.Sauté ginger and spring onion with some oil until fragrant; pour in broth and
fish head and bring to boil.(pic 4-5)
3.Add tofu and seasoning, bring to boil again, turn off heat.(pic 6)