四季花开 Stuffed Bean Curd Pocket

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1. 将豆腐卜上端用剪刀剪开五瓣,反转过来,整形,并拍上少许干粟粉待用。(图1-2)
2. 把鸡肉及虾肉剁碎,放入大碗中,加入鱼胶、马蹄、红萝卜及调味料搅拌至起胶。(图3-4)
3. 将适量馅料酿入豆腐卜内,然后投入热油中,以中火炸至金黄色,取出沥油排盘。(图5-6)
4. 将酱汁淋入豆腐卜上便可享用。

200g chicken meat, 200g shrimp, 100g fish paste, 3 pcs water chestnut (chopped), 15g carrot(chopped), 12 pcs bean curd pocket, some
corn flour
1⁄2 tsp salt, 1⁄2 tsp chicken powder, 1⁄4 tsp pepper, 1 tbsp corn flour
1 stalk lemon grass (chopped), 1 stalk bunga kiantan (chopped), 2 tbsp chili sauce, 3 tbsp Thai chili sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp fish sauce,
1 tbsp plum sauce, 1 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp lemon
juice, some chopped coriander
1. Cut top part of bean curd pocket into 5 petals shape; and then over turn and coat with some
corn flour.(pic 1-2)
2. Minced chicken meat & shrimp, place in mixing bowl with fish paste, chopped chestnut, carrot and all seasonings, mix until spingy.(pic 3-4)
3. Stuff some filling into the bean curd pocket and then deep fry with medium heat until golden
brown, drain.(pic 5-6)
4. Pour sauce over the stuffed bean curd pocket and serve.