甘香鱼虾蟹 Kam Heong Seafood

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1. 将蟹洗乾净后去除内脏洗净拆块;虾修剪洗净,鱼肉切厚片。(图1)
2. 将香料剁碎备用。(图2)
3. 将粟粉扑满海鲜然后放入热油中火炸至香脆及熟捞出沥油。(图3)
4. 留油3汤匙爆香香料,加入调味料同炒香。(图4-5)
5. 倒入炸海鲜翻炒均便可上碟。(图6)

1 crab, 6 prawns, 150g fish fillet, 1⁄2 bowl corn flour
1 tsp chicken powder, 1 tbsp curry powder, 1⁄2 tsp salt, dash of pepper & sugar
8 shallot, 1 whole garlic, 2 stalk lemon grass, 10 dried chili, 1⁄3 red chili, 1 stalk curry leaf, 20g dried
shrimp, 1 small piece ginger
1. Devein and wash crab, trim prawns and cut fish fillet into thick slices.(pic 1)
2. Chopped all spiced ingredients.(pic 2)
3. Coat seafood with corn flour and deep fry in medium heat until crispy, drain.(pic 3)
4. Keep 3 tbsp oil in wok, sauté spices until fragrant, add in seasoning.(pic 4-5)
5. Toss in seafood and stir to mix, done.(pic 6)