田七炖母鸡 Stewed Chicken With Pseudo-Ginseng

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1.母鸡胸肉原只放入沸水中氽烫去除血水,洗净。(图 1)
2.将青葱、姜片塞入母鸡胸内,置入炖盅加水2碗,放入田七,米酒,加盖炖约4小时,至鸡肉熟烂,加入盐调味便可。(图 2-6)


1 female chicken breast, 10g pseudo-ginseng(Tian Qi), 2 stalks spring onion, 4 slices ginger, 1 cup rice wine

Dash of salt

1.Blanch whole chicken breast in boiling water;wash.(pic 1)
2.Stuff spring onion and ginger into chicken’s breast, place in stewing pot with 2 bowls of water, add in pseudo-ginseng and rice wine, and stew for 4 hours until thoroughly cooked, season with salt.(pic 2-6)

Help to raise the kids with unhealthy body, use the female bird will improve the stability of menstrual cycles.