蜂巢鲜虾丸 Honeycomb Prawn Balls

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1. 明虾去壳及泥肠,洗净后,放在一片干布上包紧吸干水份。
2. 用刀背把虾仁拍扁,再剁成泥状,加入调味料拌匀后,用手摔打数下至呈胶状,即为虾胶。(图1)
3. 加入红罗卜碎和芫茜碎拌匀。(图2-3)
4. 以手将虾胶捏成一个个圆球状后,再滚上米粉碎,放入热油中炸至呈现蜂巢及熟,捞出沥油便可。(

500g grass prawn, 1 tbsp chopped carrot, some chopped coriander, 30g crushed Meehoon
1 tsp salt, dash of pepper, 1 tbsp corn flour, 1⁄2tsp sugar
1. Shelled prawns, devein and pat dry with cloth.
2. Smash prawns with back of cleaver, chopped into paste and mixes in seasoning; continue to blend
until springy. (pic 1)
3. Mixes in carrot and coriander. (pic 2-3)
4. Knead paste mixture into balls, roll over crushed Meehoon and then deep fry in hot oil until cooked
and forms like honeycomb, drain to serve. (pic 4-6)