财源滚滚庆团圆Money Rolling In

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1. 把鱼胶及肉碎混合,加入马蹄碎、芫茜碎及调味料A拌匀,做成肉丸。表层洒入少许粟粉,然后放入热油中炸至金黄色,捞出备用。(图1-4)
3. 西兰花灼熟后,围边即可。

1 can abalone, 150g fish paste, 80g minced pork, 4 pcs water chestnut (chopped), 2 tbsp chopped coriander, 1 stalk broccoli (cut florets)

A:½ tsp chicken powder, dash of pepper and salt, 1 tsp sesame oil
B:½ can Chicken Broth, 1 tbsp Abalone Sauce, 1 tsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, dash of pepper and water

1. Combine fish paste and minced meat in a mixing bowl, add in water seasoning A, mix well and knead into balls, coat chestnut, coriander and seasoning A, mix well and knead into balls, coat with some corn flour and deep fry in hot oil until golden brown and drain. (pic 1-4)
2. Cut abalone into slices, braises with seasoning B and fried meat balls for a while, thicken with starch and dish out. (pic 5-7)
3. Blanch broccoli and arrange around the dish.