酸甜海味煲 Sea Treasure in Sweet & Sour Pot

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水发海参200克、百灵菇1⁄2 罐、鲜带子200克 、海芦笋1⁄2 罐、珍珠鲍1⁄2 罐、罐头香菇五片、贵妃鲍片100
克、甜豆60克 、红萝卜60克、蟹柳60克、高汤1碗
糖1⁄2 汤匙、番茄酱2汤匙、上抽1茶匙、蚝油1茶匙
1. 海参洗净切小片备用;百灵菇汆烫洗净切片备用。(图1-2)
2. 把海芦笋,贵妃鲍片和珍珠鲍个别汆烫洗净沥干水份备用。(图3)
3. 鲜带子和蟹柳个别洗净汆烫备用。(图4-5)
4. 甜豆洗净切头尾去丝;红萝卜去皮切片,放入沸水中汆烫。
5. 烧热锅把以上材料逐一放入锅里,大火炒香。(图6-7)
6. 加入所有调味料及高汤煮滚,调小火焖煮片刻。
7. 用生粉勾薄芡捞匀即可,盛盘上桌享用。(图8)


200g processed sea cucumber, 1⁄2 can white king oyster mushroom, 200g fresh scallops, 1⁄2 can sea
asparagus, 1⁄2 can pacific clams, 5 slices Chinese mushroom, 100g Gui Fei abalone slices, 60g sweet
pea, 60g carrot, 60g crab sticks
1⁄2 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp tomato sauce, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp oyster sauce
1. Cut sea cucumber and king oyster mushroom into slices; and then blanch.(pic 1-2)
2. Wash and blanch sea asparagus, Gui Fei Abalone and pacific clam separately, drain.(pic 3)
3. Wash and blanch fresh scallop and crab stick separately, drain.(pic 4-5)
4. Trim sweet pea, remove pod string and blanch in boiling water. Slice and blanch carrot as well.
5. Heat oil in wok, add in all above ingredients one by one and stir-fry in high heat.(pic 6-7)
6. Add all seasoning ingredients with stock, bring to boil, and then simmer in low heat until gravy reduced.
7. Thicken with starch and serve.(pic 8)