榴莲芝士挞 Durian Cheese Tarts

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1. 热锅,把糖煮成糖焦后加入清水,煮一分钟至糖溶解。(图1)
2. 熄火,把糖浆淋在杏仁片上。(图2)
3. 待冷却后把它剁碎,当顶料用。
3.把面团分小团压入挞模,以拇指压平,切除周围多余的面皮。 (图4)
1. 把浸泡过的鱼胶隔水煮至溶解。(图5)
2. 把奶皇粉与糖和牛奶以小火煮至稠,熄火,然后加入鱼胶液,搅拌均匀,然后待冷却时才加入榴莲肉。(图6)
3. 以电动搅拌器把芝士鲜奶油搅拌至细滑,然后再加入榴莲混合料。(图7)
4. 把材料倒入挞皮里,收入冰箱3小时以待凝结。(图8)
1. 以电动搅拌器把 冷藏的鲜奶油搅拌至硬顶。(图9)
2. 加入额外2汤匙榴莲肉,然后装入挤袋里。
3. 把奶油挤在挞上面,然后再撒上糖焦杏仁碎片,收入冰箱,冷吃。(图10)

【Tart casings】
150g butter(at room temperature), 1 Tbsp castor sugar, 1⁄2 tsp salt, 1 “Grade A” Egg, 210 – 220g plain flour(sifted)
【Durian cheese Filling】
65 ml milk, 60 g castor sugar, 1 tbsp custard powder, 1 tbsp gelatine + 50 ml water, 250g FAMA Frozen Musang
King durian pulp, 125g cream cheese, 150 ml thickened cream(dairy whipping cream)
【Caramelised almonds】
50g almonds flaked (roasted until browned), 50 g castor sugar, 50 g water
【Whipped cream topping】
150 g Non-dairy sweetened Whipping cream
8cm diameter tart casings, piping bag

【To prepare caramelised almonds】
1. In a small saucepan, melt sugar over low heat until sugar caramelises, add water and let the syrup boil for 1
minute making sure the syrup is fully dissolved. (pic 1)
2. Remove syrup from heat and pour over the golden brown almonds.(pic 2)
3. Leave to cool before chopping them up to use as toppings later.
【To prepare tart casings】
1. Using an electric beater, cream butter, sugar and salt. Beat in egg until well combined and stir in plain flour and
make into dough.(pic 3)
2. Rest dough covered with a damp tea towel in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
3. Using your thumbs press the rested dough into each tart casing and snipping off the extra dough.(pic 4)
4. Bake tart casings in pre-heated oven @180℃ for 20-25
minutes, or until tart casings are golden brown in colour.
5. Remove and leave tart casings to cool.
【To prepare filling】
1. Dissolve gelatine mixture over a double boiler until gelatine is clear & runny, set aside.(pic 5)
2. Cook custard with sugar & milk over low heat until thicken, remove custard from heat. Add in melted gelatine.
When mixture is cool, stir in durian flesh.(pic 6)
3. Beat cream cheese with an electric beater using a paddle attachment till smooth. Beat in cream till just mixed
then lastly add in durian mixture.(pic 7)
4. Pour durian custard filling over tart casings & refrigerate for at least 3 hours till set.
【To prepare cream topping】
1. Using an electric beater fitted with a balloon whisk, cream the chilled non-dairy cream until stiff peaks.(pic 9)
2. Stir in 2 Tbsps durian pulp. Fill in a piping bag.
3. Pipe the topping over each tart and drizzle with caramelised almonds. Chill and serve cold.(pic 10)