班兰馒头蜜糖叉烧 Homemade Pandan Mantao PORK with Honey Char Siew

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汤匙、麦芽糖2汤匙、油纸剪5 X 5 公分
做法 :
① 腌酸姜片:把姜去皮洗净抹干,让糖在醋里溶解后放入姜,收在容器里两周后即完成。吃时切片或切丝。(图1)
② 叉烧做法:把猪肉洗净抹干后以腌料,收在冰箱腌隔夜。(图2)
③ 隔天从冰箱取出肉后,在室温中待半小时;另外把腌汁过滤,用小锅煮至稠。(图3)
④ 把猪肉放在烤盘上,刷少许油后入烤炉烤15分钟,然后刷上腌汁,再烤15分钟;然后再刷腌汁,烤5-10分钟,重复步骤至每一边都稍微
⑤ 班兰味馒头:把面粉和发粉筛过,加入即发酵母和糖,然后加入油,馒速搅拌; 再慢慢加入班兰叶汁,以中速搅拌成顺发面团。(图6)
⑥ 在撒粉的工作台把面团搓至光滑后盖上保鲜膜,等约45至60分钟待涨发至双倍大。将面团分成40克一份,再盖上保鲜膜醒5分钟。
⑦ 把面团搓出圆球后再擀平成圆面皮,然后在一半面积刷少许油,跟着对折,放在蒸盘内的方形油纸上。重复步骤做完材料。(图7)
⑧ 大火蒸馒头10分钟即可。(图8)
⑨ 吃法: 把叉烧沾汁后放入馒头里,加入酸姜再撒上少许芝麻即可

Pickled Ginger, 200g young ginger, 70g castor sugar,
150g rice vinegar
Pandan Extract, 30 pandan leaves, 1½ cups water
600g pao flour, 4 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp instant yeast,
4 tbsp caster sugar, 3 tbsp vegetable oil, 200g-300g
pandan extract
1kg pork shoulder(cut into 4 long strips)
MARINADE (Combine together):
2 tbsp whole salted beans (mashed), 2 tsp red yeast
rice(pounded finely), 2 tbsp oyster sauce, 2 pc fermented
red bean curd, 4 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp
dark sweet soy sauce (“kecap manis”), ½ tsp five spice
powder, 2 tbsp Shao Hsing wine, 2 tbsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp
maltose (“mak ngah thong”), Baking paper, cut into 5cmx
5cm squares
① Prepare pickled ginger: Peel ginger, rinse and pat dry.
Dissolve sugar in vinegar. Submerge ginger in vinegar
solution, store in clean glass jar for 2 weeks. When ready
to use, remove ginger and slice or cut into strips. (pic 1)
② Prepare Char Siew: Wash pork and pat dry thoroughly.
Rub Marinade A all over the pork overnight in chiller. (pic2)
③ Next day, remove pork from marinade and allow to sit at
room temperature for 30 minutes. Drain marinade into
a small pot and cook over low heat till slightly thickened.
Allow to cool. (pic 3)
④ Transfer pork to baking tray. Brush with some oil. Roast
pork for 15 minutes. Baste with marinade. Roast for
another 15 minutes. Baste again and roast for 5 -10
minutes till sides are slightly burnt and caramelized.
Remove from oven and cool before slicing. (pic 4-5)
⑤ Prepare Pandan Mantao: Sift flour and baking powder
into a mixing bowl. Stir in instant yeast and sugar. Add
oil mix on low speed. Gradually add in pandan extract
and mix on medium speed till a smooth dough forms. (pic 6)
⑥ Put dough on a lightly floured surface and knead by
hand until smooth. Return dough to bowl, cover with
cling film and allow to rise until double size, about 45-
60 minutes.Divide dough into 40g portions, cover with
cling film and rest for 5 minutes.
⑦ Roll each dough portion into a ball, flatten into a circle
and brush one half with a little oil. Fold over into a semicircle
and place onto baking paper squares. Repeat
with the remaining dough. Place on steaming tray.(pic7)
⑧ Steam buns over high heat for 10 minutes. (pic 8)
⑨ Assemble: the buns: Dip char siew slices into cooked
marinade and place into mantao with some pickled
ginger, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve.